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Create Chat Files Endpoint


This endpoint creates one or multiple files associated with a specific chat message.

Request Details

HTTP Method




Route Parameters

user_idstringYesUnique identifier of the user
chat_idnumberYesUnique identifier of the chat
message_idnumberYesUnique identifier of the message


Content-Typeapplication/jsonYesIndicates JSON request body
Cookieneptun-sessionYesSession authentication cookie

Query Parameters

No query parameters required.

Request Body

The endpoint accepts two types of request bodies:

Single File Upload

textstringYesContent of the file
titlestringYesTitle/name of the file
languagestringYesProgramming language
extensionstringYesFile extension

Multiple Files Upload

filesFileInput[]YesArray of file objects

Where FileInput contains:

  • text: string
  • title: string
  • language: string
  • extension: string

Response Format

Success Response (200 OK)

Single File Upload

"chatFile": {
"id": 1,
"chat_conversation_id": 123,
"chat_conversation_message_id": 456,
"neptun_user_id": "user123",
"title": "example.py",
"text": "print('Hello, World!')",
"language": "python",
"extension": "py",
"created_at": "2024-03-20T10:00:00Z"

Multiple Files Upload

"chatFiles": [
"id": 1,
"chat_conversation_id": 123,
"chat_conversation_message_id": 456,
"neptun_user_id": "user123",
"title": "example1.py",
"text": "print('Hello')",
"language": "python",
"extension": "py",
"created_at": "2024-03-20T10:00:00Z"

Error Response (400 Bad Request)

"statusCode": 400,
"statusMessage": "Bad Request. Invalid body(file | files).",
"data": {
"issues": [
"code": "invalid_type",
"message": "Required"

TypeScript Interfaces

interface FileInput {
text: string
title: string
language: string
extension: string

interface SingleFileRequest {
text: string
title: string
language: string
extension: string

interface MultipleFilesRequest {
files: FileInput[]

interface ChatFile {
id: number
chat_conversation_id: number
chat_conversation_message_id: number
neptun_user_id: string
title: string
text: string
language: string
extension: string
created_at: string

interface SingleFileResponse {
chatFile: ChatFile

interface MultipleFilesResponse {
chatFiles: ChatFile[]

Python Models

from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List
from datetime import datetime

class FileInput(BaseModel):
text: str
title: str
language: str
extension: str

class MultipleFilesRequest(BaseModel):
files: List[FileInput]

class ChatFile(BaseModel):
id: int
chat_conversation_id: int
chat_conversation_message_id: int
neptun_user_id: str
title: str
text: str
language: str
extension: str
created_at: datetime

class SingleFileResponse(BaseModel):
chatFile: ChatFile

class MultipleFilesResponse(BaseModel):
chatFiles: List[ChatFile]

Code Examples

Python Example (using httpx)

async def create_chat_files(
user_id: str,
chat_id: int,
message_id: int,
files: List[FileInput],
session_cookie: str
) -> MultipleFilesResponse:
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
response = await client.post(
json={"files": [file.dict() for file in files]},
cookies={"neptun-session": session_cookie}
return MultipleFilesResponse(**response.json())

cURL Example

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Cookie: neptun-session=your-session-cookie" \
-d '{
"files": [
"text": "print(\"Hello\")",
"title": "example.py",
"language": "python",
"extension": "py"
}' \

Response Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
200Files successfully created
400Invalid request body
401Unauthorized (invalid or missing session)
404Chat, message, or user not found
500Server error


  • The session cookie is required for authentication
  • Files must be associated with an existing chat message
  • Both single file and batch file creation are supported
  • The language field should match supported programming languages
  • File content is stored as text, suitable for code files