Create Chat Messages Endpoint
This endpoint creates one or multiple messages in a chat conversation.
Request Details
HTTP Method
Route Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
user_id | string | Yes | Unique identifier of the user |
chat_id | number | Yes | Unique identifier of the chat |
Header | Value | Required | Description |
Content-Type | application/json | Yes | Indicates JSON request body |
Cookie | neptun-session | Yes | Session authentication cookie |
Query Parameters
No query parameters required.
Request Body
The endpoint accepts two types of request bodies:
Single Message
Field | Type | Required | Description |
message | string | Yes | Content of the message |
actor | string | Yes | Role of the message sender |
Multiple Messages
Field | Type | Required | Description |
messages | MessageInput[] | Yes | Array of message objects |
Where MessageInput contains:
- content: string (message content)
- role: string (user/assistant/system)
Response Format
Success Response (200 OK)
Single Message Creation
"chatMessage": {
"id": 1,
"chat_conversation_id": 123,
"neptun_user_id": "user123",
"message": "Hello, how can I help?",
"actor": "assistant",
"created_at": "2024-03-20T10:00:00Z"
Multiple Messages Creation
"chatMessages": [
"id": 1,
"chat_conversation_id": 123,
"neptun_user_id": "user123",
"message": "What is Python?",
"actor": "user",
"created_at": "2024-03-20T10:00:00Z"
"id": 2,
"chat_conversation_id": 123,
"neptun_user_id": "user123",
"message": "Python is a programming language...",
"actor": "assistant",
"created_at": "2024-03-20T10:00:01Z"
Error Response (400 Bad Request)
"statusCode": 400,
"statusMessage": "Bad Request. Invalid body(message | messages).",
"data": {
"issues": [
"code": "invalid_type",
"message": "Required"
TypeScript Interfaces
interface MessageInput {
content: string
role: 'user' | 'assistant' | 'system'
interface SingleMessageRequest {
message: string
actor: string
interface MultipleMessagesRequest {
messages: MessageInput[]
interface ChatMessage {
id: number
chat_conversation_id: number
neptun_user_id: string
message: string
actor: string
created_at: string
interface SingleMessageResponse {
chatMessage: ChatMessage
interface MultipleMessagesResponse {
chatMessages: ChatMessage[]
Python Models
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
class MessageRole(str, Enum):
user = "user"
assistant = "assistant"
system = "system"
class MessageInput(BaseModel):
content: str
role: MessageRole
class MultipleMessagesRequest(BaseModel):
messages: List[MessageInput]
class ChatMessage(BaseModel):
id: int
chat_conversation_id: int
neptun_user_id: str
message: str
actor: str
created_at: datetime
class SingleMessageResponse(BaseModel):
chatMessage: ChatMessage
class MultipleMessagesResponse(BaseModel):
chatMessages: List[ChatMessage]
Code Examples
Python Example (using httpx)
async def create_chat_messages(
user_id: str,
chat_id: int,
messages: List[MessageInput],
session_cookie: str
) -> MultipleMessagesResponse:
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
response = await
json={"messages": [msg.dict() for msg in messages]},
cookies={"neptun-session": session_cookie}
return MultipleMessagesResponse(**response.json())
cURL Example
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Cookie: neptun-session=your-session-cookie" \
-d '{
"messages": [
"content": "What is Python?",
"role": "user"
"content": "Python is a programming language...",
"role": "assistant"
}' \
Response Status Codes
Status Code | Description |
200 | Messages successfully created |
400 | Invalid request body |
401 | Unauthorized (invalid or missing session) |
404 | Chat or user not found |
500 | Server error |
- The session cookie is required for authentication
- Messages can be created individually or in batches
- The actor/role must be one of: "user", "assistant", or "system"
- Messages are created in the order they appear in the array
- All messages in a batch must belong to the same chat conversation