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Chat Files Endpoint


This endpoint retrieves all files associated with a specific chat conversation.

Request Details

HTTP Method




Route Parameters

user_idstringYesUnique identifier of the user
chat_idnumberYesUnique identifier of the chat


Cookieneptun-sessionYesSession authentication cookie

Query Parameters

No query parameters required.

Request Body

No request body required.

Response Format

Success Response (200 OK)

"chatFiles": [
"id": 1,
"chat_conversation_id": 123,
"name": "document.pdf",
"size": 1024,
"type": "application/pdf",
"created_at": "2024-03-20T10:00:00Z",
"url": ""

Error Response (404 Not Found)

"statusCode": 404,
"statusMessage": "Not Found",
"data": {
"message": "Chat not found"

TypeScript Interface

interface ChatFile {
id: number
chat_conversation_id: number
name: string
size: number
type: string
created_at: string
url: string

interface GetChatFilesResponse {
chatFiles: ChatFile[]

interface GetChatFilesError {
statusCode: number
statusMessage: string
data: {
message: string

Python Model

from pydantic import BaseModel, HttpUrl
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List

class ChatFile(BaseModel):
id: int
chat_conversation_id: int
name: str
size: int
type: str
created_at: datetime
url: HttpUrl

class GetChatFilesResponse(BaseModel):
chatFiles: List[ChatFile]

class ErrorData(BaseModel):
message: str

class GetChatFilesError(BaseModel):
statusCode: int
statusMessage: str
data: ErrorData

Code Examples

Python Example (using httpx)

from pydantic import BaseModel, HttpUrl
import httpx
from typing import List
from datetime import datetime

class ChatFile(BaseModel):
id: int
chat_conversation_id: int
name: str
size: int
type: str
created_at: datetime
url: HttpUrl

class GetChatFilesResponse(BaseModel):
chatFiles: List[ChatFile]

async def get_chat_files(
user_id: str,
chat_id: int,
session_cookie: str
) -> GetChatFilesResponse:
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
response = await client.get(
cookies={"neptun-session": session_cookie}
return GetChatFilesResponse(**response.json())

cURL Example

curl -X GET \
-H "Cookie: neptun-session=your-session-cookie" \

TypeScript/JavaScript Example (using fetch)

async function getChatFiles(
userId: string,
chatId: number
): Promise<GetChatFilesResponse> {
const response = await fetch(
credentials: 'include', // Important for cookie handling

if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`)

return await response.json() as GetChatFilesResponse

Response Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
200Successfully retrieved chat files
401Unauthorized (invalid or missing session)
404Chat or user not found
500Server error


  • The session cookie is required for authentication
  • The chat must belong to the specified user
  • Returns an empty array if no files are associated with the chat
  • File URLs may have limited-time validity