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Delete Last Messages Endpoint


This endpoint deletes the last message exchange (user and assistant messages) from a chat conversation. It also handles cleanup of any trailing user messages.

Request Details

HTTP Method




Route Parameters

user_idstringYesUnique identifier of the user
chat_idnumberYesUnique identifier of the chat


Cookieneptun-sessionYesSession authentication cookie

Query Parameters

No query parameters required.

Request Body

No request body required.

Response Format

Success Response (200 OK)

Case 1: Normal Message Pair Deletion

"maybeAssistantMessageToDelete": {
"id": 2,
"chat_conversation_id": 123,
"actor": "assistant",
"message": "Here's the explanation...",
"created_at": "2024-03-20T10:00:01Z"
"maybeUserMessageToDelete": {
"id": 1,
"chat_conversation_id": 123,
"actor": "user",
"message": "Can you explain this?",
"created_at": "2024-03-20T10:00:00Z"

Case 2: Trailing User Messages Cleanup

"deletedSuccessfully": [123, 124, 125],
"failedToDelete": []

Error Response (400 Bad Request)

"statusCode": 400,
"statusMessage": "Bad Request.",
"data": "No messages found, for chat."

TypeScript Interfaces

interface ChatMessage {
id: number
chat_conversation_id: number
actor: 'user' | 'assistant' | 'system'
message: string
created_at: string

interface DeleteLastMessagesResponse {
maybeAssistantMessageToDelete?: ChatMessage
maybeUserMessageToDelete?: ChatMessage
deletedSuccessfully?: number[]
failedToDelete?: number[]

interface DeleteLastMessagesError {
statusCode: number
statusMessage: string
data: string

Python Models

from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List, Optional
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum

class MessageRole(str, Enum):
user = "user"
assistant = "assistant"
system = "system"

class ChatMessage(BaseModel):
id: int
chat_conversation_id: int
actor: MessageRole
message: str
created_at: datetime

class DeleteLastMessagesResponse(BaseModel):
maybeAssistantMessageToDelete: Optional[ChatMessage] = None
maybeUserMessageToDelete: Optional[ChatMessage] = None
deletedSuccessfully: Optional[List[int]] = None
failedToDelete: Optional[List[int]] = None

Code Examples

Python Example (using httpx)

async def delete_last_messages(
user_id: str,
chat_id: int,
session_cookie: str
) -> DeleteLastMessagesResponse:
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
response = await client.delete(
cookies={"neptun-session": session_cookie}
return DeleteLastMessagesResponse(**response.json())

cURL Example

curl -X DELETE \
-H "Cookie: neptun-session=your-session-cookie" \

TypeScript/JavaScript Example (using fetch)

async function deleteLastMessages(
userId: string,
chatId: number
): Promise<DeleteLastMessagesResponse> {
const response = await fetch(
method: 'DELETE',
credentials: 'include', // Important for cookie handling

if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`)

return await response.json() as DeleteLastMessagesResponse

Response Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
200Messages successfully deleted
400No messages found in chat
401Unauthorized (invalid or missing session)
404Chat or user not found
500Server error


  • The session cookie is required for authentication
  • The endpoint handles two scenarios:
    1. Deleting the last user-assistant message pair
    2. Cleaning up trailing user messages
  • Messages are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered
  • The operation is atomic - either all specified messages are deleted or none
  • The response format varies depending on the deletion scenario